The Issue
You sent out a newsletter from the Newsletter tab, targeting all potential buyers of your last 10 jobs for a holiday promotion. While you carefully selected the appropriate jobs and the group of potential buyers, the email campaign did not reach every potential buyer who has yet to place an order for the selected jobs.
The Root Cause
When using the newsletter feature, the status "Potential Buyer" indicates that this customer has not placed any order in your account. If they placed an order in any of your jobs, they are considered as "Buyers".
The Solution
To ensure that all customers who have not placed orders in specific jobs are targeted, please send out the newsletter directly from the Selling tab of the respective jobs. This approach guarantees that these customers will be accurately included in the campaign, maximizing the reach of your promotional efforts.
A similar situation may occur in scenarios such as Senior or Make-Up jobs where photos are uploaded across multiple jobs. The newsletter option under the Selling tab only verifies the availability of photos within the same job. If you have uploaded photos to other jobs, you will need to manually send a newsletter from the Selling tab of each job where you’ve uploaded and activated the respective galleries. This ensures all relevant customers are targeted effectively.
Another possible reason a customer did not receive the newsletter is that they may have unsubscribed from all communications. To verify, locate the customer in the system and navigate to their customer overview page. Click on Edit, and check whether the box for receiving email newsletters and communications is unchecked. If it is, this indicates the customer has opted out of receiving communications.