Welcome to GotPhoto! We're so happy to have you on board with us and can't wait for you to discover everything our platform has to offer.
We know you're eager to get started, so we've made this quick checklist for you of the most important settings to adjust when beginning to use your GotPhoto account. The best part is that once you've completed these steps, you won't have to touch them again. Your settings will remain in place for all future Photo Jobs.
Each of the steps below links out to an article with a brief explanation. Feel free to come back to this checklist after each step.
The steps outlined in this list are for North American customers. If you are a UK customer, please have a look at this article.
In addition to setting up your account, you'll also want to create some product packages and price profiles to use in your photo jobs, as well as set up some communication profiles for seamless engagement with your customers. |
Ready to start setting up your first Photo Job? Click here to get started.