Ready to get started? In this article, we'll show you how to take the very first step with GotPhoto — creating a photo job! Make sure you've taken care of your initial account setup settings before continuing.
Creating a Photo Job
Click Create a job on your dashboard to create a new photo job. [ Classic Interface: Click Photo Jobs > Create a job].
Next, start entering your job details.
- Job name: This is, you guessed it, the name of your photo job. This will also be the public name for your online shop, meaning your customers will be able to see this name. It’s a good idea to name it the name of the school or event and the year, such as "[Organization Name] - [Year]".
- Date of shoot: This is the date of the photo shoot. This is important for keeping track of your photo shoots, making them easy to reference and seeing which ones are upcoming for you to prepare. It is always a good idea to create Photo Jobs at least a few days before the actual photo shoot to ensure everything is prepared in advance.
Client: A client can be a school, league, or dance school linked to the job, we previously referred to it as an organization. If the client already exists in your database, type the client's name and select it from the drop-down menu. If the client is not listed, add a new one.
Adding a new client to the job
1. Add the client's address
2. Enter your client contact's name (e.g., the Principal's or league Director's name)
3. Access to school portal (optional): The school portal allows your client to access internal information related to their jobs. Users granted access can log in via the provided URL and set their own password.
Depending on the selected permissions, they can:
- View Sales Statistics (e.g., revenue, order numbers, buyer data).
- Access Orders (including customer details and downloadable photos).
- Manage Data (upload subject and customer data). This is an additional feature that is helpful if a client is hesitant to share parent data with you. Our support team will be happy to activate it for you. Learn more about it here: US/CA; UK. Access to the portal is managed by entering the client's email, they will receive an email to set up their login credentials.
After adding your client, select your job type.
4. Type: This will be used for statistical purposes; for example, if you want to compare nursery jobs to primary school jobs. Please note: Our basic editing and background extraction services can only be used within jobs categorized as "School" or "Sports". You can always change the shoot type later on.
5. Subjects expected (optional): The number of people you are expecting to photograph. This number will be used to create the appropriate number of QR cards later. It’s best to estimate a higher number in case you end up needing extra QR cards, so for a job with 100 people expected, we recommend printing at least 110 cards.6. Use the new Online Shop 2025 Edition: Give your customers a modern, easy-to-use shopping experience with the optimized 2025 online shop. Before selecting the option, please verify if your current job is suitable. You can access and adjust this setting anytime later in the process.
The following settings won't be available in all accounts:
7. Prepay: Only available for North American customers. If you are located in North America and don't see this option, you currently don't have Prepay enabled on your account. Tick this box if you plan to do prepay sales in this job. You can enable or disable prepay at any time in the job settings.
8. Assignees: This option appears only for paid plans that allow additional users with photo upload rights, enabling you to assign specific photographers to a job.
After entering your data, please make sure to save the photo job.
You can access the job settings anytime by clicking Actions > Edit Job Information within the job.
The Edit Job Information page also allows you to assign an internal job name.
Internal job name: A folder with this name will be created in your directory. If you plan to use FTP or EasyUpload to upload your images, it would be good to name each job something memorable, such as a combination of the organization name/acronym and the season and/or year (e.g., "PlainviewHSFall2024"). This internal name will also be visible on your QR cards. Internal job names must be unique and consist of letters/numbers/dashes/underscores. Please do not start or end an internal name with a dash or an underscore, as this can negatively impact your photo uploads.
Pro Tip:
If you select the same job type (e.g., Elementary School) in a future job, we will apply the same job settings (tagging method, price profile, coupon,etc.) to save you time. Of course, you can adjust these settings anytime.
The Takeaway
Get started by creating your first photo job. Set up key details like job name, shoot date, and expected number of participants to streamline your workflow. Don't forget to explore our advanced settings for added customization.