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Corporate Headshots Workflow

Introduction to Corporate Headshots

Welcome to the definitive guide that will allow you to leverage GotPhoto to successfully manage your Corporate Headshot job from start to finish. 

This guide specifically covers Corporate Headshots. We define corporate headshots as headshot sessions on location at a business where you photograph multiple employees and deliver final digital images back to the business. 

With our new integration with Tether Tools, we will show you how to leverage Smart Shooter 5 to photograph your sessions tethered. This allows you to proof the images easily at the photo shoot, allowing employees to make their favorite image selections and provide feedback if they are not happy with how they look. 

If you would like further information on Corporate Headshots and their value to your studio, check out our guide: 3 Reasons for Volume Photographers to do Professional Headshots.


So let's get started! We will assume:

  • You have signed up to GotPhoto.
  • You have completed your One-Time Settings.
  • You have Smart Shooter installed on your tethering laptop. (more details in Section 3)
  • You have a USB barcode scanner. (more details in Section 3)
  • You use Lightroom Classic on your editing computer, and the GotPhoto Lightroom plugin is installed. (more details in Section 4)

Let's jump into step #1, creating your job.

#1 - Create your job

In this section, we will cover the steps to create your job in GotPhoto.

From the main page within your account, navigate to the Photo Jobs tab and click the blue +Create New Job button in the top right of the page.


There are three required fields to complete on the Create New Job page:

  • Job Name (1): This is the name of your photo job. This will also be the public name displayed in the shop, meaning your subjects will be able to see this name. It’s a good idea to name it the name of the business, and it is good practice to include the year or the month if it will be a recurring job.
  • Date of Shoot (2): This is the date of the photo shoot, not the date you created the photo job in GotPhoto. This will be important for keeping track of your photo shoots, making them easy to reference and see which ones are upcoming for you to prepare for.
  • Type (3): For Corporate Headshots, it is recommended to use Event → Company as the job type. The type is used for statistical purposes, allowing you to track how well specific job types are performing.


Once the three required fields have been completed, scroll down and click the blue Save Job button. Advanced Settings are not necessary for this job type.


You have created your job and are ready to move on to the next step.

#2 - Upload your names list

In this section, we will cover how to upload your names list to GotPhoto and generate the list of barcodes.

What is a Names List? This is the CSV or XLS spreadsheet of the employees you will be photographing. You will want to load this data into GotPhoto several days prior to the photo shoot so that you can generate your barcodes (or QR cards). The minimum information you want to receive is:

  • Employee First Name
  • Employee Last Name
  • Employee Email Address
  • Employee Mobile Number
  • Appointment Day (Optional)
  • Appointment Time (Optional)

If you need a spreadsheet template to send the business, you can download one here

Once you have this spreadsheet in hand, you are ready to load it into GotPhoto. If the columns are named differently, you have the opportunity to map them properly during the upload process.
⚠ ImportantMake sure that Employee First Name and Last Name are in separate columns in the spreadsheet.

Navigate to the Photo Jobs tab and and click the name of the job you recently created. This will place you on the Settings page for your job. Make sure to do the following:

  • Access Type (1): Set this to Access code for each person. This allows each employee to have their own private shop access, viewing only their photographs.
  • Choose a method (2): Set this to QR-Tagging - with list of names. This setting must be set to allow you to upload your spreadsheet.



Click Upload File (3) and you will be prompted to select your spreadsheet file.


Select the file from your local machine and click Open. The file will upload and you will be prompted to confirm the column mappings.


Columns to import is the name of the columns in your spreadsheet. Values to import is the preview of the data within the spreadsheet. Field to match to is the data field within GotPhoto. You will want to map the following way:

  • Employee First Name → Student firstname
  • Employee Last Name → Student lastname
  • Employee Email  → Parent email (1)
  • Employee Phone → Parent phone (1)
  • Appointment Date → Teacher*
  • Appointment Time → Group*

Note: Loading the Appointment Date and Time is optional.

Once you have mapped the columns, click the blue Confirm Columns button. You will be presented with a Review screen, confirming your mapping. If there is an issue, click the Back button to remap the columns. Otherwise, click the blue Start import button.


The import process will begin which is tracked by a status bar. Depending on the number of rows in your spreadsheet, this could take several minutes. Once the process is complete, the Names List upload is done and you can now download your barcode list for the photo shoot. 

Note: Our recommended workflow for Corporate Headshots when tethering is to use our PDF barcode list paired with a USB scanner. This allows you to quickly and efficiently associate the images with their data for easy sorting when you load the images back into GotPhoto.

To download the PDF with barcodes file, from the names list page, click the Export button.


Select PDF with barcodes and it will download. The list has the employee's name along with the barcode you will scan prior to taking their photo. Print this file, and bring it to the photo shoot. 


If you need to return to the Names List page, click the Manage Names button on the Settings page in your job.


Now that you have your names list loaded and your barcodes printed, you are ready for the photo shoot. 

#3 - Configure Smart Shooter 5

In this section we will cover the specific settings that should be configured for Smart Shooter when using GotPhoto.

Prior to your photo shoot, you will need to purchase, install, and configure Smart Shooter on your laptop or tablet. It can be purchased here on the Tether Tools website. 

  • Smart Shooter has a one-time purchase fee.
  • It is Windows and Mac compatible.
  • It is compatible with many Canon, Nikon, Sony, and Fujifilm cameras. The full list of compatible cameras can be found here.
  • Smart Shooter documentation is located here

Additionally, you will need a USB barcode scanner.


Once you have installed and activated Smart Shooter, we recommend configuring it the following way.

The layout is fully customizable. This is our preferred layout look:


The Session and Barcodes views are required for shooting tethered with GotPhoto. Additionally, we recommend having open the Preview, Filmstrip, Photos and Camera Controls views. 
Note: Save your preferred layout under the Layout tab for easy access to reload.

Under File → Options, configure the Name Policy. The Photo Filename is highly customizable. Our preferred Filename Expression is [O]_[Z]. This take the original filename and appends the barcode number scanned as a suffix. This gives additional visual confirmation that the correct barcode has been stored in the image's metadata.


Note: We recommend [N]_[S]_[D] for Nikon users based on the way Nikon tethering functions. 

Make sure to set your Photo Download Directory under the General tab, whether you want to download the photos into a local folder or to an external hard drive.

Next, configure your Barcode Options in the Barcodes view.


Barcode Options:

  • Auto Scan Barcodes - This enables through the lens (TTL) reading of barcodes and QR codes. While a viable option with GotPhoto, using a USB barcode scanner is the more efficient and preferred method.
  • Add Barcode to Photo Metadata - This setting is required. This setting allows Smart Shooter to insert the scanned barcode into the metadata of your images. When you upload the images to GotPhoto, the uploader will use this metadata to automatically sort the images and activate the access codes (covered in Section 5).
  • Play Sound After Scan - Plays a small chime sound upon successfully reading the barcode. (OPTIONAL)
  • Restrict Barcode Format - Select Code128 as this is the barcode format GotPhoto uses. Prevents unwanted scans if other barcode formats are present (such as QR cards). (OPTIONAL)
  • Limit to Camera - This is an advanced setting if you are shooting with multiple cameras tethered to the same device.

Confirm that you have the Session View enabled.


During the photo shoot, you will want to have your cursor in the Barcode field. Upon scanning a barcode, this will insert the scanned barcode into this field which then automatically gets inserted into the metadata of all subsequent images taken until you scan your next barcode. 

With Smart Shooter configured and your barcodes list in hand, you are ready for the photo shoot.

#4 - Photo Shoot

In this section, we will cover how the tethered workflow works at the photo shoot.

Once you are ready to tether, connect the camera to your laptop or tablet with a USB tethering cable. If you are using a compatible camera, Smart Shooter will immediately connect and activate the camera.


Once connected, you are ready to photograph the first subject. Have the session tab open, and make sure the cursor is in the Barcode field. 

Scan the subject's barcode with the USB scanner attached to your laptop.


This inputs the barcode into the Barcode field. 

Photograph your subject. All images taken of the subject will have the barcode scanned imbedded into the image metadata. This metadata will allow GotPhoto to properly sort and tag the images (covered in Section 5).

Using Smart Shooter allows you to proof the images with your subject at the time of capture, making sure they are happy with their photograph.

Once you and your subject are satisfied with the images captured and are ready to photograph the next subject, place the cursor back in the Barcode field and scan your next subject's barcode. Note: You do not need to delete the previous barcode as scanning the next one will automatically replace it.

Repeat the scanning and photography process until you have photographed all employees.

You have wrapped up the photo shoot, returned to your studio, and are ready to move on to the next step of uploading your images to GotPhoto. 

#5 - Upload your images

While you can upload the images directly into GotPhoto using the web uploader or Easy Upload, we recommend utilizing Lightroom and the GotPhoto Lightroom Plugin. If you need any assistance installing the plugin, please reference this Help Center article.  Note: For the sake of this guide, we will assume you have working knowledge of Lightroom.

Locate the folder on your laptop where Smartshooter has downloaded the images from your photo shoot.

In Lightroom, import the images.

Once imported, complete your standard culling, cropping and editing process. If you would like to outsource your image editing work to GotPhoto, please read this article. Additional information on our editing service is covered in Section 9.

If your subjects selected their favorite photograph at the photo shoot, make sure to five-star that image before exporting it to GotPhoto.

Making the five star selection in Lightroom automatically flags the image in GotPhoto upon import as the selected image used in exports. This makes it easy to deliver the selected employee images to the business (covered in Section 8).
Note: If you want to allow the subjects to select their favorite image in the gallery, follow the Favorite Selection workflow in Section 9. 

Once you are ready to export the images from Lightroom, select the images you want to upload to GotPhoto and click Export (1).

Reminder: The first time you use the GotPhoto Plugin, you will need to enter your GotPhoto login credentials.

Change the Export To: to GotPhoto Upload V3 (2). Select the photo job you wish to the load the images into (3). Add an Album name (Upload or Session work well. This name can always be changed later in GotPhoto). The File Naming, File Settings, Image Sizing, and Output Sharpening sections are optional adjustments. Click Export (4) and Lightroom will begin the process of uploading the images to GotPhoto.

Once Lightroom has finished exporting, go into the job within GotPhoto and click on Photo Management. You will see the Album you created. Click on the Album Name.

Note: The thumbnails take a moment to generate, so the thumbnail process might not be complete if you go immediately from Lightroom to GotPhoto. In the album, you will see your subject's photographs already sorted and tagged properly to their correct data (1). The import process automatically activates and sorts your images when using the Smartshooter tagging method.

Additionally, the five star rating (orange icon) will have set the favorite image (yellow star icon) (2). If you made a scanning mistake and a subject's image is assigned to the wrong data, you can easily move the image to the correct access code by clicking and dragging on the 4 way arrow (3).

If you need to change a favorite image, click on the thumbnail to open the image in a larger view. Click Tag as Favorite Photo to change the favorite image selection.

Do a quick quality check to make sure the images are assigned to their correct access codes. If everything looks correct, you are ready to move on to the final steps before setting the job to selling.

#6 - Set your price & communication profile

Next, we need to set a price profile & communication profile. These are set on the Settings tab of the photo job.

Price Profile

To deliver digital downloads or sell prints, you will need to create a price profile.

This guide will not cover the basics of configuring price profiles. If you are not familiar with creating price profiles, please reference this article first before proceeding.

If you are including free digital downloads to each subject as part of the contract with the business, a simple price profile with the Download All Photos product is all that is needed. Set the Selling Price to $0.

Select your price profile and click Save Settings at the bottom of the Settings page.

You are now ready to move to the Communication Profile.

Price Profile Upselling Options

We are proponents of upselling at GotPhoto. One way to do this is to only include one free digital download per subject, but still upload several images of each, so that you have the opportunity to upsell the subject on additional downloads or products. 

To easily do this, add the Photo Download product to your price profile (1). Set the price to what you will be upselling the additional downloads for.

Consider adding high quality prints (2) from your lab partner to your price profile as an additional upsell opportunity.

Once you have created this upsell price profile and attached it to your job, the next step will be to add a coupon to the job. Job coupons are automatically applied to the subject's gallery so there will be no confusion about having to remember to enter the coupon code.

Set an expiration date, and set the monetary value of the coupon to match the price you set the digital download at. This allows the employee to receive their one free digital download but are also presented with multiple download choices which creates the opportunity for additional sales. 

Communication Profile

A communication profile allows you to automate emails and SMS messages to your subjects, notifying them that their gallery is ready to be viewed, and their digital downloads are available.

This guide will not cover the basics of configuring or creating communication profiles. If you are not familiar with creating communication profiles, please reference this article first before proceeding.

Reminder: If you are new to GotPhoto, you will need to configure your SMS settings so that SMS messages can be sent.

For corporate headshots, you primarily need a communication profile to let your subjects know their gallery is available for viewing and that they can access their digital downloads. If you are not doing any upsells, it does not need multiple emails and SMS messages to promote ordering.

A simple communication profile can quickly be put together like in this example:

This communication profile has 3 total messages - an email and SMS that is delivered when the job is set to selling and an additional email follow up 3 days later. All three messages have a direct link to the subject's gallery to create an easy login experience for them. 

Note: An efficient way to create a new price profile is to copy one of the pre-included price profiles and modify it. Duplicate the Generic GotPhoto with 3 Day Coupon (Onboarding) communication profile. Once duplicated, delete the emails and SMS messages you do not need. From there, you can easily edit the subject lines and message bodies without having to worry about HTML formatting or gallery login links.

Once you have attached your price profile and clicked Saving Settings, you are about ready to set the job to selling.

#7 - Set your job to selling

You are about ready to set your job to selling. We recommend reviewing your album and images one last time to confirm they are sorted and tagged correctly. Review the Settings page of your job to confirm you have attached a price and communication profile. Additionally, make sure a coupon is configured if it is required for the job.

Once you are satisfied the job is in order, switch the job to Selling. This toggle is located in the top right of the Settings Page.

Click confirm on the pop-up.

Congratulations! You have set your job to selling. Now you can kick back and relax. The emails and SMS messages will be queued automatically to be sent out on your behalf. Subjects can now log in to their private galleries to view their images, download their photos, and place orders. 

You are ready to deliver the selected headshots to your client (your primary contact at the business).

#8 - Deliver the final images

When you are ready to create the export of selected headshots, go to the Selling tab in the job. Scroll to the bottom of the Selling page. You will want to create a Student Data Export.

Using the student data export workflow, you are able to download each selected image, renamed by the subject's first and last name. Renaming the images in this way makes it very convenient for the client.
Note: This workflow only exports a single image. If you need to deliver more than one image to the client, you will need to use a different method outside of GotPhoto.

Click Overview to start the export creation process. On the next screen, click the +Create Export button.

The main settings for creating the export:

  • Format = Custom
  • Size for the photos = 3840 px*
  • Pattern for the photo file names = LastName_Firstname

You may need to contact customer care to enable the larger file size exports. 3840px on the long edge is the largest export size offered. If you need a larger file size, you will need to use a different delivery method outside of GotPhoto.

Click Proceed to preview to preview your export. On this next page, you will see all the subjects that are going to be exported, their selected image, and what the new file name will be. If you need to change the selected image, you can click Select Photo at this time. If you are happy with the output, click Run Student Export.

You will be returned to the main export page. You will see the export you just created and its status. Once the status changes to Generated, you are able to download the export.
You do not need to remain on this page while the export is generating. 

Click Download Package to download the export as a zip file. This zip file will be named the job name and within the zip file will be a folder of the exported images.

This zip file can now easily be sent to your client using an image transfer app. 

#9 - Additional Workflows and FAQ

What if I have no data and need to register onsite right before I photograph the subjects?

We have the solution to make on-site registration easy, allowing you to capture the subject's name and contact information before you photograph them. Check out this How-To Guide to leverage this workflow for your next Corporate Headshot photo shoot.

What if I want to use the standard QR card capture workflow for headshots?

If you have the subject data from the business prior to the photo shoot, do not want to shoot tethered, and do not need to register onsite, GotPhoto's tried and true QR code capture method is the perfect solution for you. The video below covers this capture method for headshots:


What if I want the subjects to select their favorite image in their gallery after the photo shoot?

Our Favorite Photo feature allows your subjects to easily make their selection. Check out this How-To Guide to implement it for your next Corporate Headshot photo shoot.

What if I want to outsource my editing to GotPhoto?

We 100% have you covered. Through our editing service, we offer:

  • Culling
  • Exposure compensation
  • White balance
  • Saturation
  • Contrast
  • Trimming
  • Straightening
  • Sharpening 

It just takes a few clicks and for you to provide basic details to get started. All pictures are processed within 3 to 5 business days and loaded directly back into your account. 

Check out our Photo Editing article to get started!

Note: Currently, the Editing tab only appears when the Job Type is a School and Preschool type. To take advantage of our editing service, switch your job type to a type in this category to enable.

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