This error code appears when your camera is off, when the Entagged device is not connected, when it is connected to a different smartphone or tablet, or when it has been manually disabled in the app.
To address this:
- Make sure your camera is on.
- Check that the Entagged isn't disabled. Go to the "Your Entaggeds" screen (tap the app menu on the bottom left) → tap the Entagged icon (bottom left) → tap to toggle the switch to the right of the Entagged to the on position. It will turn yellow and the Entagged will reconnect.
- If the LED on the Entagged is turquoise, but it is not connected in the app, it is connected to a different phone/tablet. If you work with multiple team members, have all photographers turn off the Bluetooth on their smartphones/tablets. Leave the Bluetooth ON only on the device you are attempting to pair with the Entagged device.
- The LED on the Entagged device should change from turquoise to orange.
- The Entagged device should now reconnect with the smartphone/tablet of your choice.
If these steps do not restore functionality, please reach out to our Customer Care Team.
Are you mid-shoot and need to quickly use an alternative tagging method? Click here for a brief explanation on how to pivot to QR tagging.